This forum took place on January 7th  2016 at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski. It was organized by the Law Faculty of the Plovdiv University and the European Law Student’s' Association /ELSA/. The structure of the association in Plovdiv is the only local group in Bulgaria.

The event aroused great interest among the teachers, students and lawyers. It was attended by over 100 people, and everyone who wanted received a certificate.
The main objective of the Round Table on the legal education was to provide a field for the students to express themselves, to enable them to attend the lectures in the program, to help them learn useful things about the legislation in Bulgaria and abroad and to discuss them. This is particularly important at a time when the right of the Member States of the European Union shall be smothered.
The moderator of The Round Table was docent Lyuba Panayotova, and the official opening of the event made the provost of the Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" – professor Zaprin Kozludzov and the dean of The Law Faculty – Professor Ventsislav Stoyanov.  
The ambassador of the French Republic in the Republic of Bulgaria His Excellency Mr. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes, was the official guest of the event. He turned to the present with a speech in which he recalled the fact that the last reform in the legal education in Bulgaria was made in 1994. He stressed that today the law requires young people to be devoted to justice and liberty, equality and fraternity.
Two open lectures of professors from the Faculty of  Law and Political sciences of the University in Nantes, France were exported in the framework of the event. Professor Ksavie Goden talking on the topic "The education law in France at the time of the Renaissance", and professor Jan-Christophe Barbato spoke about "The modern education in law in the Member States of the European Union". After that there was a discussion.
The discussions showed that when there is a hall full of ambitious young people who want to learn something further, the efforts to organize similar events are worth it. The structure of the European Association of the law students would continue to conduct similar events-reenactments of simulation processes, conferences, seminars and lectures. For them we will seek the assistance of the Supreme Judicial Council, The Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, the Club of the civilist at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski, and of the teachers of the faculty, etc.

Photos: Hristo Paunov