On 22 August H. E. Ms. Sri Astari Rasjid, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Bulgaria gave a reception at the Regional Historical Museum – Sofia,
on the occasion of yet another exhibition, part of the project "Wonders of Indonesia 2019". Called "Synthesis: Indonesian and Bulgarian Heritage Textile, Artefacts and Jewellery" it provided an opportunity for the residents of Sofia and their guests in the summer - from July 9 to August 31 - to get a closer look at Indonesia’s cultural heritage and to enjoy its unique exhibits.
As the largest archipelago, Indonesia consists of more than 300 ethnic groups. The interaction between such varied groups results in adverse set of norms and values, activities as well as arts crafted with local wisdom.
The heritage textile, jewellery and artefacts exhibition is a cultural effort to build communications and interactions by introducing Indonesia’s craft heritage to the people of Bulgaria.
The exhibition features various cloths and textiles from Java, Sumatra, Bali and East Nusa Tenggara. Consisting of over 17.000 islands, Indonesia is spreading from Sabang, in the West to Merauke in the East and is a treasure trove of textile splendors. Textiles are made in various techniques such as batik, tie-dye and weaving. Motifs are designed with philosophical meanings and colored with brilliant natural dyes.
It is apparent that textile design has always been inevitably followed by jewellery design. This is evident in the jewellery heirloom of Indonesia. It is interesting to note the similarities of designs and techniques found between Indonesia and Bulgaria in the mid-centuries. During this period, both nations seem to have reached its grandeur. Indonesia itself was at the height of its glory in14th century – the Majapahit Empire. Through several examples, the exhibition also presents a comparison between the traditions in national costumes and ornaments of the two countries.
This exhibition also showcases Indonesian artefacts of sculpture, furniture, art objects and household utensils. The rich ornamental and decorative style of craft is passed on from generation to generation. Today, amidst the globalization movement, Indonesia can claim to have been true to its cultural identity by preserving its local wisdom.
Art plays an important role in building positive communication and interaction between nations. By understanding its arts and culture, one will learn the art of respect and tolerance. This exhibition hopes to introduce Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage, and encourages the people of Bulgaria to come and visit Indonesia.
The material is provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Republic of Bulgaria.
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://diplomaticspectrum.com/en/the-world/culture/1484-synthesis-indonesian-and-bulgarian-textile,-jewellery-and-artefacts.html#sigFreeId943592ab98 |
Photos: Diplomatic Spectrum